DICA - ERROR: Tipo de IDOC XXXXXXX do BW diferente do tipo de IDOC do sistema fonte.

Source system no BW, ao checar aparece o erro:

BW desconhecido sistema fonte


tipo de IDOC XXXXXXX do BW diferente do tipo de IDOC do sistema fonte.

Soluções possíveis:

verificar RFCs, usuários e permissões;

Verificar se entradas das tabelas EDIPORT e EDIPOA estão iguais - nota SAP 110849

Verificar intervalo de numeração de portas disponiveis na transação snum - nota 110849

Nota 110849:

"Error during insert in port table" during creation of source system.

Other Terms
SourceSystem, porttable

Reason and Prerequisites
You get the error message "Error during insert in port table (E0 552)" during creation of a source system. "Please enter a valid receiver port" E0420

Take a look at table EDIPORT of your BW system and note the next free number for the field "Port". This is the adjacent number of the highest entry like 'A0000000123' for example. In this case e.g. take '124'.
Choose transaction "snum" and object "ediport".
Select "number ranges" from the menu "Goto" and here the button "status".
Change the CURRENT NUMBER of the ranges to the next free number you noted from table EDIPORT.

If the number range of your BW system is correct please check the same in your OLTP system.

Check inconsistency (port) between tables EDIPOA and EDIPORT.
If affected port is only exists in EDIPOA table, delete the entry from EDIPOA.

Also reset the buffering for all servers on system via transaction /$tab

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